Sunday, January 8, 2012

game plan

As mentioned previously, we have a boring picture wall in our dining area. And I have to laugh, because to be quite honest most will probably think that my remedy to this boring wall is, well, boring. However, it does involve new pictures (yay) and meaningful items. So without further ado, I present to you my pictures in progress:

PL and I have been married for over three years now and we have yet to have a wedding picture displayed. Problem solved with the new picture wall. I spent a while today browsing through wedding pictures. Everyone who is married should take the time to browse back through your wedding pictures every once in a while. A walk down memory lane, what a great night! I picked out a group of pictures and then had PL go through and pick any that stuck out to him. PL picked the picture with well, him, and my behind. His comment "look at how happy I was on our wedding day". Nevertheless, it went into the batch. They look great!

The other group of "pictures" that I wanted to display are our anniversary dinner menus. Each year we have had a special night out to celebrate another year of being together. We have collected the menus and had the chefs sign:

I was "pinspired" by the following image, love how it is clean and orderly.

Pinned Image

The plan is to get these newly filled frames up on the wall in rows. Wish us luck, as hanging pictures tends to be a crazy-fest with PL being an accountant (he does all the measurements in his head) and me being a non-accountant (I want to double-check all of his measurements with calculator). Ultimately the goal is to have a symmetrical and level picture wall that will provide us with smiles for years to come.

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